WooCommerce: add Product ID in Order Received URL
Here is a quick, easy way to add the Product ID in the URL when an order is placed in your WooCommerce store.
We will modify the WooCommerce checkout order received (Thank you page) url using the woocommerce_get_checkout_order_received_url hook.
PHP snippet: add Product ID to Thank you page url
function webroom_add_prduct_id_in_order_url($return_url,$order){
//create empty array to store url parameters in
$sku_list = array();
// retrive products in order
foreach($order->get_items() as $key => $item){
$product = wc_get_product($item[‘product_id’]);
//get sku of each product and insert it in array
$sku_list[‘product_id_’.$item[‘product_id’]] = $product->get_id();
//build query strings out of the SKU array
$url_extension = http_build_query($sku_list);
//append our strings to original url
$modified_url = $return_url.’&’.$url_extension;
return $modified_url;
Now, all you have to do is to paste the above snippet in your child theme’s functions.php file. Once you do that and place an order, you will notice that the url is now changed as:
If there are more than one product in the order, the url will have them all:
That’s it! So simple. You can also add the product SKU if you want, just use the following code.
PHP snippet: add Product ID and SKU to Thank you page url
To view the snippet, go to the original article, here.