WooCommerce: Change quantity and delete products on checkout

Apr 26, 2020


Adding the ability to change the quantity of the products in the cart or delete a product right on the WooCommerce Checkout page can reduce the hustle of the customers, avoiding leaving the Checkout and goind to Cart and back to Checkout. The Checkout page is crucial and the fewer the bounces, the better the conversion rate and completed orders. See what we’ll do:

Here is how to add change quantity and delete product buttons on WooCommerce Checkout

WooCommerce: Change quantity and delete products on checkout

To achieve this, we’re going to use 5 functions, all of which you should paste in your child theme’s functions.php file in three easy steps:

  1. Remove product quantity count
  2. Add Delete button and Quanitity field on the WooCommerce checkout page
  3. Updating WooCommerce Cart via Ajax call

Get the functions in the original article here: Change quantity and delete products on WooCommerce checkout




Written by webroomtech.com


webroom.tech is created and written with one purpose: to help anyone developing their awesome WordPress and WooCommerce website.

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